A verse to ponder today...

“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.” -Psalm 62:7 Listen to chapter

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Monday, July 11, 2011

some Weekend WoWzzee ...

As the weekend has ended, I am glad to announce:  I got SOMETHIN done!!

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Thanks Passionate Homemaking for this awesome homemade yogurt recipe!

My first ever attempt at making yogurt!
  Even better it IS  more than edible. It is YuMMmm!  NOT as THICK as the yogurt shown on .passionate homemaking but I'm quite excited that it turned out at all.  I incubated it for somewhere between 14-15 hours, btw.( It is has been in the fridge for over 24 hours at this point and does seem a little thicker:) I think I may be making this AGAIN!{{smiles}}

1st bowl with some Natures Path Pumpkin Flax-Plus Granola ummm...

Homemade Strawberry Jam

 Another FIRST for our weekend.  While I have canned pickles(watermelon) in the past I had never made jam or jelly before.  This recipe came straight from the Certo pkge.   (Saturday was a great day of  FIRSTS for me:)  It appears like the chunks of fruit have risen in the jars. Is this normal?? 
Thanks to GoodWill I have a wonderful waterbath canner for 7.99 (minus the rack/insert...LOL).  I mistakenly thought one of my cooling cake/cookie racks would fit inside:(  I ended up with inverted pot lid....Not the best, but hey, it WORKED!

We had Great hopes on Friday! I was so excited that Goose was gonna see the LAST shuttle with me as it shot through the air and out of Earth's atmosphere!  Being Central Floridians,  NASA has always been a part of our lives.  My paternal Granpa retired from there shortly before the Space Shuttle program began. In the 60's my maternal Granpa poured a lot of sweat into building part of the NASA facilities. I saw the very FIRST shuttle go up while in Middle School.(I'll stop with that:) 
I had the tv on as the time grew close, mostly because I was waiting to see if they scrubbed the launch due to weather conditions.  We watched the countdown and liftoff on TV and then RAN out the front door to search the skies.
(with blinding sunlight bouncing off of them)

Had we not been watching it all on tv we would have missed the entire event...
It was a very dissapointing moment! Fortunately, it did not set the tone for the entire weekend. God is GOOD!
How was your weekend??

 Check out the linkee page to see where I will be lurking   off to visit!



Thursday, July 7, 2011

I got WhUPpped!....and some other stuff:)

Just a few more days b4 our 1st HS year "officially" begins{{smiles}}. Although, with my inquisitive Goose, school has always been "IN".
 More on that subject---COMING SooN!

REcently my lil' Goose  discovered a game you MAY well remember..

Chutes and Ladders.

This is not a game we played in my childhood, at least not one I REmember. 
(DON"T you DARE say I am old!! ;)
It WAS a clooose game!

And GLOat umm CeleBRATing with "Brucee'Bruce".

We had a wonderful Independence Day. I have to admit that some of the Patriotic "Stuff" that I wanted to introduce got a "little lost" in all the cooking I did. We did dicuss how the 4th was our Country's Birthday Party.  A little hard to for my DD to digest was the fact that "we" are 235 yo. A very  BIG # for a 4yo..LOL

My 1st Flag Cake:)

I realize my decorating skills are NOT up to par, but hey it SURE tasted good{{{grin}}} I definitely need some practice!  Do any of you have traditions (patriotic or otherwise) for the 4th?  Now that I have a whole year to work on my procrastinating issues I'd love to hear about them. I really want to teach Goose the meaning of the holidays we celebrate. They really are more than just an extra day of "no work and all play".  Many of our holidays came about due to the great sacrifices our elders and ancestors chose to make. I believe they deserve to be truly honored!

I'll be joinin in some fun....check out my linkee's page to see where I am headed [[smiles]]

Have a Wonderful Blessed DAY!!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

THE recital....is over:)

The end of our dance year has come and gone.  All my anxiety over Goose's 1st recital has fallen to the wayside.  SHE DID IT!  She didn't cry or jump off the stage, or pick her nose, etc. etc. etc.   Amazing, isn't?? {{{GriN}}}

Wish we could have taken pics/video inside the auditorium but THAT was not allowed:(

These are all "after" shots. So proud of my lil Goose!!
Just yesterday, as we were driving through town, she asked me if "today was dance?"
How exactly do you explain "summer break" to a child who has no experience with it??   I guess this is actually her first "summer break"  LOL
 Although, it won't last long! We will start our 1st hs year (AOy0 or preK) in July and will be schooling year round. Fortunately Charlotte Mason did not believe in formal schooling at too young of an age. So, while we may be "in school" it will not look much like "regular" school. Which is good on so many levels. I think the CM method will be a very good fit for my Goose. I seem to be learning so much already, in my journey of preparation. {{smiles}}
Happy Blessed Wednesday!!