A verse to ponder today...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Need a Sign???........Not ME!

If  I  ReAllY wanted a sign on THE homeschooling topic I'd say





As you know, homeschoolin got laid on my heart recently. This past weekend, I succombed to my 'SaleN  Addddictionnn!
Take a look at what I found:

(HAD to get Trixie:)
Hooked on Phonics set----$5.00
Set of "Living  Bible" NT videos & "Joseph" video----$.50  
 (yes for ALL of 'em)
Asst. Books & Color/Activity books----$1.00
Shelves for Goose's Room---$2.00
Jr. Scout Tent(sleeps 2)---$1.00
NOT bad!

These pics below are from "Easter after Goose got Home from that Other Place", early that evening.  As you can see I've been doing just a little redec.(on the walls)
 WANTED it D-O-N-E b4 she got home from her little vaca, Ohhh Welllll!
 I had to MAKE her look around the room.....All SHE saw was the bed n basket{{{{grin}}}}

MORE Salen goodness!!

adjustable desk----$5.00
Asst. "learnin stuff"
incl. rain forest kit, maps/posters $2.00

What can I say???
I think He wants us to HomesChooool!

 Now, if I can just figure out how to USE all of these wonderful resources....

I'll be hookin up Somewhere, Sometime ----Check out my linkees page for all the fun stuff! :)
May Peace & Joy FLOOD your soul!

Happy Tuesday