A verse to ponder today...

“Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.” -Amos 5:14-15 Listen to chapter

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

breathing in the New Year:)



OK, so I made up the prozac part.:)  However, now that the Holiday Madness has ended and the decorations have been whisked away(almosT), I feel the calming and serene effects of my favorite "mantra" {{{grin}}} And THAT is a whole nother post!

Grammy, Goose, and Mommy went to Animal Kingdom @ WDW this week. Courtesy of a family friend with tickets to be used up b4 the New Year! YeaAAA!
Although,  Disney is in our backyard, it was the first time for Goose, well, actually the first time to Animal Kingdom for all three of us.

First Animal Sighting (Ducks)

Uncle Bubba's Tree aka The Tree Of Life

Time Out with the Turtles:)

Searching for Nemo!

No pics of me in the wheelchair rental, and NO, I'm not adding them to a later post! I might show off the blister on my thumb, IF you ask nicely:) For those of you who don't know the Tree of Life is the center of  Animal Kingdom. It is HUGE!! And my lil' bro helped build it(and various other things in the AK). My Goose has christened it Uncle Bubba's Tree. After we got home she had Q&A with him about how he "builded it" :) So inquisitive for an almost 4 year old!

I have GREAT plans for the New Year:
Finsh my list of 10,000 sewing projects
Keep the house Spotless
Be a perfect role model for Goose
Blog Every Day with extreme wit and awesome tutorials

Most Importantly

Cling to My Savior and bring Him Glory!!
( This is the only one I have ANY hope of accomplishing:)
How about You?? What are your plans for this New Year??
Happy Sunday:)


  1. Enjoyed your list for 2011...sounds alot like mine. ;)
    Happy New Year!

  2. Hi There!
    Thanks for the visit and the follow! I'm your newest follower! Hope you have a great week!

  3. Happy New Year! Stopped by from the mixed bag Monday blog hop and following your blog.

  4. Happy New Year! We made it WDW last January and AK was The Girl Child's favorite! That's so cool that you brother helped build it!

  5. Denise,
    Your goals are wonderful...especially the last one, that is always my goal, but I don't seem to have the gift of tongue like you do. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog http://wheelchairdecor.blogspot.com/ It is very good!

    Your Christmas center piece is so great...I do enjoy ideas that are inexpensive!

    I am doing a Shout Out to your post today!
    Thanks, Becky J

  6. I am your newest follower from FMBT
    Have a great weekend


Have fun, but, please mind your manners:)